
Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 2, 2015

When Coma Strikes Without Warning : The Danger of Hypoglycemia Unawareness


Most people with diabetes can sense when their blood sugar is dropping long before it becomes dangerous. But some can't, and the consequences can be fatal.

More than 25 million Americans are living with diabetes and most can tell when their blood sugar is too low. But a small percentage live with a condition called hypoglycemia unawareness. For them, the first warning of trouble may be that they collapse to the floor, unable to even call for help.
Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar occurs when the body is unable to process glucose properly. During digestion, food is broken down into various sugar molecules, including glucose, the body’s main source of energy. The pancreas is then designed to kick in and release insulin which keeps the glucose in the blood at safe levels. But, in people with diabetes, the system isn’t working and if glucose levels drop dangerously low, hypoglycemia results.
Normally, the body sends out warning signals of low blood sugar, including excessive sweating and hunger, heart palpitations, anxiety, numbness in the lips and tongue. But in people with longterm diabetes, those symptoms can become so subtle, they virtually disappear. The blood sugar continues to drop and, left untreated, the symptoms become so severe, the person can no longer respond.
“They may become incapacitated ” said Jason Baker, MD, an endocrinologist at Weill Cornell Medical College and a diabetic himself, “and, in the worst case, people can have a seizure or go into a coma due to low blood sugar.”
Hypoglycemia unawareness is more common in women then in men and can affect both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. The good news, said Dr. Baker, is that the condition may be reversible.
“Studies show that if you can avoid low blood sugar episodes for two weeks, the symptoms start coming back.”
And if you see someone unable to cope with the symptoms of hypoglycemia, Dr. Baker says you can intervene with some simple steps.
“There are tricks like putting honey or sugar on the gums.” And turning them on their side can help avoid tongue swallowing and seizures.
Last Updated: 04/24/2014

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