Sugar Busters! is a low-carb diet and lifestyle book based on the premise that eliminating sugar from the diet will achieve weight loss, fight obesity, and improve overall health. The authors of the book are a corporate CEO who lost 20 pounds on the Sugar Busters diet and three doctors — one specializing in cardiovascular surgery, another in endocrinology, and the third in gastroenterology. Their premise includes the theory that cutting sugar can cut our growing obesity problem.
At the core of the Sugar Busters plan is the belief that sugar — not just refined sugar, but the sugar processed by our body from complex carbohydrates and starches — is toxic for the body.
According to the authors of the Sugar Busters diet, removing foods that are high in sugar from your diet will help achieve weight loss, lower cholesterol, increase energy levels, and be generally healthier. Sugar Busters lists foods to avoid, offers a 14-day sample meal plan, and also includes recipes.
Sugar Busters Diet: How Does It Work?
“The Sugar Busters diet works by restriction,” says registered dietitian Keri Gans, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. “It’s a restrictive diet that eliminates foods.”
The foods being targeted are those high in various sugars. Why? Sugar stimulates the body to produce excess insulin, which can cause it to store excess sugar as fat and increase cholesterol production. Carbohydrates also inhibit the body’s ability to break down fat. According to the authors of Sugar Busters!, carbohydrates, not fats, are the dietary culprits that cause weight gain.
The Sugar Busters diet recommends removing foods that have a high glycemic index from your diet. The glycemic index is the measure of the effect a carbohydrate food has on blood sugar levels. Foods with a high glycemic index include potatoes, corn, carrots, and beets. Foods with a low glycemic load include whole grain foods that are high in fiber.
The Sugar Busters diet provides menus to follow, which are about 1,200 calories a day. “If anyone follows a 1,200 calorie diet, they will lose weight,” says registered dietitian Angela Ginn-Meadow, RD, a certified diabetes educator and spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.

Sugar Busters Diet: Sample Diet
Here is a sample day of meals following the diet’s principles for weight loss:
1 large orange
Hot oatmeal made with water, no added sugar or margarine
Sandwich of turkey breast and regular Swiss cheese on rye bread with Dijon mustard,
light mayo, lettuce, and tomato
12 grapes
Whole-wheat pasta with meat sauce made from lean ground beef
1 cup steamed yellow and green zucchini
Salad of Romaine lettuce, snow peas, and pine nuts with regular oil and vinegar dressing
1 cup sugar-free, non-fat frozen yogurt
Sugar Busters Diet: Pros and Cons
Sugar Busters stresses eating healthy foods, such as whole grains, legumes and beans, and lean meats. And cutting out refined sugars in processed foods is a plus. However, Gans believes the diet is too restrictive.
The restricted foods are tough to avoid, Ginn-Meadow adds: “A lot of the forbidden foods are common American staples such as pasta, potatoes, honey, syrup, and pineapples. It will be difficult to maintain the restrictions.”
Others concerns include:
  • Eliminating foods means eliminating nutrients. Restricting any foods that contain vitamins and minerals is not beneficial, says Ginn-Meadow. You may not get enough calcium, iron, and vitamins D and E with this diet.
  • It labels foods as good or bad. “Consumers need a positive message,” says Gans. “Instead of saying ‘Don’t eat this,’ or ‘Don’t eat that,’ it’s better to say something like, “Lean protein is good for you.”
  • Avoiding sugar is no guarantee of avoiding diseases. “The one thing I don’t want people to think is that this diet will prevent diabetes,” says Ginn-Meadow. “The best ways to reduce your risk are through healthy eating and physical activity.”
Sugar Busters Diet: Short- and Long-Term Effects
In the short term, the Sugar Busters plan is likely to result in weight loss because it eliminates many foods, including baked goods and other sweets. And your food choices will be better, such as substituting whole grains for white bread, for instance. “There will be more fruits and vegetables and other healthier choices,” says Ginn-Meadow.
On the other hand, there are consequences to cutting out too many carbohydrates from your diet. “If you eliminate a lot of the carbs you normally eat, you won’t have energy,” says Gans. “Our brains need glucose to function. You may become irritable and tired.”
The long-term outlook is problematic because the Sugar Busters diet lacks the tools to help you make long-term lifestyle changes. “It does not talk about portion sizes or how to make weight loss a permanent lifestyle,” says Ginn-Meadow. “There is no behavioral or exercise component, both of which are necessary for long-term weight loss.” According to dietitians, the likelihood is high that you’ll gain back weight lost on the Sugar Busters diet.