Not every obese person is qualified for weight-loss surgery. In general, candidates include severely obese people who have other medical issues.
Bariatric surgery can help people lose weight and reduce the risk of health conditions that are associated with obesity, like type 2 diabetes. Bariatric surgery works by restricting the amount of food you can eat and perhaps changing the way your body digests foods so you don’t absorb a lot of calories.
However, weight-loss surgeries (WLS) are not for everybody, and your medical team will need to carefully evaluate your situation before determining if you are a candidate for bariatric surgery.
Bariatric Surgery: Adult and Teen Candidates
Weight-loss surgeries are not the solution for most adults who want, or need, to lose weight. But bariatric surgery may be an option for you if one or more of the following applies to you:
- You are severely or morbidly obese — usually defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher.
- You have not been able to lose weight with traditional lifestyle changes for weight loss; these include regularly exercising and eating a more healthful diet.
- You have health problems associated with your weight.
As for adolescents, some weight-loss surgeries have been approved for extremelyobese teens — that is, those with a BMI above 40. An example would be a young person who is 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighs over 240 pounds.
But since the long-term effects of bariatric surgery in adolescents is not yet clear, adolescents under the age of 18 are generally only considered potential bariatric surgery candidates if they:
- Have reached their full adult height, usually around the ages of 13 through 15
- Have serious health problems related to their obesity, such as diabetes, sleep apnea, heart problems, and psychological problems
- Along with their parents, are prepared for the lifestyle changes that must be made after bariatric surgery
Bariatric Surgery: Other Conditions to Meet
Prior to having surgery for weight loss, you and your doctor will most likely want to establish that you:
- Will most likely not be able to lose weight or maintain weight loss without bariatric surgery
- Are well-informed and prepared for what you can reasonably expect after bariatric surgery
- Are committed to losing weight and improving your health
- Understand that you will have to make major lifestyle changes after having bariatric surgery, such as dealing with the surgery's side effects and learning to eat differently
- Know about your risk of potential side effects and complications associated with bariatric surgery
- Are willing to adopt a new, healthier lifestyle after your bariatric surgery that includes eating a healthful diet, exercising regularly, attending regular medical follow-up visits, and taking recommended vitamin, and perhaps mineral, supplements
Bariatric Surgery: Managing Your Expectations
If you are interested in finding out if bariatric surgery is an option for you, talk to your doctor, who can assess your situation and refer you to a bariatric surgeon, if appropriate.
Although bariatric surgery can be very effective in helping people lose weight, most people have unrealistic weight loss goals going into bariatric surgery. Be sure to discuss with your doctor what range of weight loss you can realistically expect after bariatric surgery, which will depend on your:
- Body composition
- Weight before surgery
- Gender
- Age
- Race
- Level of physical activity
- Other factors
In general, females, younger people, Caucasians, people with more muscle mass, and people who are the most motivated lose the most weight with bariatric surgery.
You can increase your chances of successful weight loss after bariatric surgery by committing to healthful eating, regular exercise, and regular follow-up visits with your medical team.
Last Updated: 2/18/2010
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