
Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 6, 2015

8 Best Snacks for Blood-Sugar Control

  • 1 / 9   Learn How to Snack Smart

    If you have type 2 diabetes, smart snacking is crucial to your healthy eating plan. Hunger can lead to dips and spikes in blood sugar that can cause dizziness, irritability, and feelings of weakness — not to mention increasing your risk for a host of other diabetes-related problems. One of the best ways to avoid the roller coaster? Eat nutritious snacks at regular intervals throughout the day, even if you're on the go. Here are your best — and tastiest — bets.
    •  lead to dips and spikes in blood sugar that can cause dizziness, irritability, and feelings of weakness — not to mention increasing your risk for a host of other diabetes-related problems. One of the best ways to avoid the roller coaster? Eat nutritious snacks at regular intervals throughout the day, even if you're on the go. Here are your best — and tastiest — bets.
    • 2 / 9   Pistachios

      “Aim for a snack that will not spike blood glucose, like a healthy fat or a lean protein,” says Erin-Palinski-Wade, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator. Or choose a food that combines both, like pistachios. This tasty nut contains a powerful punch of protein as well as a mixture of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which can help reduce your cholesterol levels and can cut your risk of complications from diabetes. A one-ounce portion (or about 50 pistachio nuts) equals about 160 calories
      • lories.
      • 3 / 9   Sliced Avocado with Lime

        Another of Palinski-Wade's favorite go-to diabetes snacks is avocado. This superfood(it's actually a fruit) is one of the best sources of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats around, and it's also a time-saving snack that's easy to slice and go. Try topping your slices with a squeeze of lime juice and a bit of sea salt for extra flavor. It's important to remember that avocados are calorie-dense, so be aware of proper portion size. A half-cup portion is a manageable 120 calories and will keep you feeling full until your next meal

        4 / 9   Hummus and Bell Peppers

        Combining protein and healthy fats with high–quality carbohydrates is a great way to give your snack staying power, advises Palinski-Wade. “A good rule of thumb is to keep carbohydrates per snack to 15 to 30 grams, and to have them come from complex carbs versus simple carbs,” she says. Because they're slowly digested, high-quality complex carbs help ward off hunger and keep your blood sugar on an even keel, especially when combined with protein and fat. “Make sure to choose slow-digested options, such as vegetables and hummus, to prevent additional blood-sugar spikes.” One sliced bell pepper and a quarter cup of hummus sets you back about 120 caloriesThinkstock

        5 / 9   Whole Grain Toast with Peanut Butter

        For around 280 calories, whole-grain bread with peanut butter (which contains healthy monounsaturated fats and appetite-satisfying protein) is another snack that will ward off hunger for hours, says Palinski-Wade. Look for a brand of peanut butter with little to no added sugar; and be sure to measure out each serving to keep calories in check. For even less carbs, choose celery sticks instead of the breadDavid Crockett/Thinkstock

        6 / 9   Shrimp Cocktail

        High in protein and low in unhealthy saturated fat, fresh shrimp is an easy win for snacking to stabilize your blood sugar. Each piece of shrimp equals about 4-6 calories depending on size. “A small amount of cocktail sauce — one tablespoon or so — is fine,” says Palinski-Wade. “Or you could enjoy it with fresh salsa or chopped tomatoes,” she adds. Shrimp cocktail is a great pick if you're dining at a restaurant and want a healthy appetizer that won't spike your blood sugar and send it crashing laterGabriel Bucataru/Stocksy

        7 / 9   Mozzarella and Tomatoes

        “Fresh mozzarella and tomato is another good choice that's easy to get when dining out,” says Palinski-Wade. Go easy on the cheese, which is high in saturated fat, and be sure to choose part-skim or even fat-free mozzarella. Skip dressing and opt for a drizzle ofheart-healthy olive oil or balsamic vinegar and a dash of salt and pepper for flavor; a one-cup serving is equal to about a 180-calorie snack

      • 8 / 9   Oatmeal with Berries

        Who says oatmeal is just for breakfast? A half-cup of oatmeal prepared with water and topped with a quarter-cup of blueberries, strawberries, or raspberries is a tasty treat to fill you up and keep blood-sugar levels stable. To add a dose of healthy fats, top with chopped almonds or walnuts; you'll still wind up at under 300 calories per sweet, satisfying serving

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