
Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 6, 2015

Information on how to prevent diabetes

from A4M Longevity Magazine eJournal . . .

Fish Diet

More Fish May Lower Diabetes Risk

Salmon, herring, and sardines are among good sources of omega-3 fatty acids that may help to reduce the risk of Type-2 diabetes.
Type-2 diabetes is becoming increasingly widespread throughout the world. In that previous studies posit that overweight is a significant risk factor, diet and other lifestyle factors may have potential as interventive approaches to reduce a person’s risk of Type-2 diabetes. Jyrki K. Virtanen, from the University of Eastern Finland (Finland), and colleagues analyzed data collected in the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study (KIHD), determining the serum omega-3..

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