I have been told that I have OCD when it comes to folding clothes, cleaning, my kitchen, and even eating. Is it possible to have that with so many different things? For example, I go behind my husband and refold things, because they were not folded "just right." I have a certain way to clean house, and when it is interrupted, I feel anxious and stressed. In the kitchen, I can't stand for anyone to cook, clean, or put away things. I have to make sure everything is put up the exact way I want. I don't even like anyone else to load the dishwasher. As for eating, I alternate sides that I chew on, starting and ending with the right side. When I eat popcorn or M&Ms, it is one piece at a time, alternating sides, and with the M&Ms, they have to be sorted by color, and then eaten one at a time and by color (alternating sides of course). What do you think? 
— Nancy, Oklahoma
Nancy, to best answer your question, I would need to know more about your behaviors and the thoughts that accompany them. However, without that luxury and based on the pattern of behavior that you have described, it seems to be more consistent with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) rather than obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
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What's the difference? The major distinction is that in OCD, there are clear and true obsessions — persistent, intrusive thoughts, impulses, or images — and compulsions — repetitive behaviors or mental acts aimed at preventing or reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event or situation. By comparison, according to the American Psychiatric Association, individuals with OCPD have a "preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control." They try to maintain control by paying meticulous attention to rules, trivial details, procedures, lists, or schedules, and in the process, they lose sight of the actual activity. Finally, people with OCPD tend to experience these symptoms as "just the way I am," whereas those with OCD are upset and distressed by their symptoms.
Nancy, regardless of your actual diagnosis, it seems likely that it takes a tremendous amount of physical and mental energy to experience your world the way you do. And I imagine that those around you might get upset about your approach to living, perhaps resulting in strained relationships. If this is true, and you would like to make a change, I would strongly encourage you to seek out a licensed mental health professional who can help determine the correct diagnosis and get you started on the right treatment plan. This could make a profound difference in your life.