When it comes to bowel movements, there's no such thing as “normal." Normal for you can be going to the bathroom as often as three times a day or as seldom as three times a week. But many people occasionally experience constipation — defined as having fewer than three bowel movements in a week or producing hard, dry stools that you must strain to pass.
“For occasional constipation, using over-the-counter medications is fine,” says Stephen Bickston, MD, professor of internal medicine and director of the inflammatory bowel disease program at Virginia Commonwealth University Health Center in Richmond, Va. However, persistent or progressive constipation merits a visit to the doctor. That’s because ongoing constipation can be a symptom of a serious underlying medical condition.
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What Causes Constipation?

Constipation Treatments: Reliable Remedies
If constipation is just an occasional discomfort, there are a number of strategies you can use to prevent future episodes.
  • Eat more fiberFiber will help you form soft, bulky stools that are easier to eliminate. Fiber can be found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. “When grocery shopping, read the labels and choose the breads and cereals with the most fiber content,” recommends Dr. Bickston.
    You can also buy fiber pills or powders. “Even though it’s best if you can get fiber from produce and whole grains, it’s not cheating to take fiber supplements,” Bickston says. A word of caution when adding fiber supplements to your daily regime: Drink plenty of water as directed to avoid gas and bloating.
  • Drink liquids. Liquids will add fluid to the colon and bulk to stools. The more hydrated the stool, the softer it is and thus, the easier it is to pass. Water and fruit juices are the best sources of extra fluids. Avoid alcohol and drinks with caffeine, such as coffee and soda, because they can cause dehydration.
    Bickston says researchers are now questioning whether or not increased fluid intake actually improves bowel regularity. “But there are other reasons to make sure people take in enough fluids, so I wouldn’t suggest people abandon that approach.”
  • Exercise regularly. One of the many benefits of regular exercise is that it gets all of your body’s systems functioning better. “If you’re constipated, exercising 20 to 30 minutes a day can help get your gut going,” notes Donald Novey, MD, an integrative medicine physician with the Advocate Medical Group in Park Ridge, Ill. “The more active you are, the more you will have healthy bowel movements.”
  • Consider laxatives. Bickston points out that while most people with mild or occasional constipation do not need laxatives, they can be taken safely for a limited time to treat a bout of irregularity.
    Laxatives work in different ways. Some agents increase the bulkiness of stool, while others soften. Laxatives can also be osmotic agents, which are salts or carbohydrates that encourage water to flow into the colon and improve elimination. Other laxatives stimulate the system and help physically trigger bowel movements.
    Additionally, some foods contain sorbitol, a natural laxative. Sorbitol is a very common sweetener for sugar-free gums and mints. “Chewing one or two pieces of sugar-free gum is equal to eating a prune,” explains Bickston.
  • Answer the call. Behavioral habits can also affect constipation, Dr. Novey says. If you feel the urge to have a bowel movement, don't wait — make a trip to the bathroom and relax. “Avoid pushing,” he advises. “If you sit on the toilet and nothing happens, please don’t push. Get up. Once you start pushing, your body depends on it. It’s better to let the stool come naturally.”

How Fiber Helps Ease Constipation

Constipation Treatments: Diet and Lifestyle Changes
Most of the time, constipation is short-lived and does not signify a serious digestive health concern. The best way to treat constipation is by making simple changes to incorporate more fiber into your diet, drink plenty of fluids, and add exercise into your daily routine. On occasion, you can use a laxative if you need to, but don't make a habit of it. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you remain constipated even after making these lifestyle changes.